Nth Qtr Estate (Stage 1) Updates
C: Construction creativematter
The Nth Qtr Estate is nearing the final stages of construction completion. The first stage of our flagship project is…

Cardinia Park Estate – Public Park Reserve & Playground
C: Construction creativematter
Solovey proudly announces the completion of the Cardinia Park Estate, Public Park Reserve & Playground. This park reserve will serve…

McDonalds Moama
C: Construction creativematter
Construction of the McDonald's fast-food store has been successful and comprehensively completed following a highly efficient construction process. Settlement for…

Atkinson Place Estate – Stage 1 Updates
C: Construction creativematter
We're pleased to announce that the Atkinson Place Estate project team has selected the main works civil contractor for our…

Lakeside Estate Greenvale (Stage 3) Updates
C: Construction creativematter
The Lakeside Estate is progressing well towards completing the boutique 39-lot subdivision, which is now over 90% sold out. Currently,…

One Deanside Stages 1 & 2 Update
C: Construction creativematter
The 'One Deanside' Stages 1&2 project is nearing the end of its civil construction phase. Overcoming challenges related to aboriginal…

Developer Construction Progress Update (Q1 2024)
C: Construction creativematter
We are pleased to announce the commencement of civil construction at our upcoming Lakeside Townhomes site. The townhome site is…

Atkinson Place, Mount Atkinson
C: Construction creativematter
Our Mt. Atkinson development at 207 Troups Rd received its planning permit in May-23, allowing the project to proceed with…

Somerton Rd, Greenvale
C: Construction creativematter
A significant milestone has been reached for our project at 680a Somerton Road, Greenvale, which includes a 4x Commercial &…

Lardner Rd, Drouin
C: Construction creativematter
One of our newer projects, located at Lot 3, 95 Lardner Rd, Drouin VIC, is currently well-entrenched in the town…